A hand holding a thread and a person with their head on their knees

Ways you can get support

It can be really hard to ask for help with your mental health and you might not always know where to get help. There are lots of different ways that you can find support. 

Get a referral 

Getting a referral means that an adult has contacted a service for you that they think can help you. 

There are other professional people who can refer you, including your: 

  • doctor 
  • social worker 
  • school counsellor  

Once you get a referral, the process can be different, depending on the service.  

The service will usually: 

  1. review your referral and contact you to let you know they are looking at it 
  2. offer you an assessment to see how they can help you and talk about what that will involve  
  3. put you on a waiting list (if they can help you) 
  4. give you the help you need 

Refer yourself (self-refer) 

There are some services that allow you to refer yourself. This means you can speak to the service yourself and say you need help. 

Talk to friends, family, or school 

If you are in school, you can ask a teacher if there is mental health support available. You can also ask any adult or family member that you trust. 

Talk to your GP 

You can make an appointment to talk to your doctor. They're not just there to help with your physical health, they can help your mental health too. 

Your doctor will make sure you have a safe place to talk. They can: 

  • talk about things that can help 
  • answer your questions 
  • refer you to a service that can help 

support • talking