Two people sitting at a desk with notebooks

Anxiety in school

Anxiety is when you feel worried or scared about something. 

It’s normal for everyone to feel anxious at different times and for different reasons. 

You could be worried about: 

  • subjects you do not enjoy 
  • people at your school 
  • moving to a new school 
  • exams you have coming up 

You might also feel anxious about: 

  • not feeling very confident with who you are 
  • the way you look 
  • things happening at home 

There are other situations that can make you feel anxious too, and it is perfectly normal.  

What others think about your feelings 

Your parents, carers, family, or teachers might think they know how you feel. You might have heard people talk about the reasons why you're finding things difficult. 

They might have their own ideas of why you don't feel as happy as you want to feel. 

Talking to someone you trust about how you really feel could help. Adults feel anxious sometimes too and might have some good ideas about why you might feel the way you do. 

Find someone you trust 

It’s hard to talk about your feelings and take that first step. Talking to someone you really trust can make it easier. 

Think about people you know who you feel you could talk to. This can be people who: 

  • understand you 
  • you are comfortable talking to 
  • know you the best 
  • you can relate to 
  • you trust 

The people you think of might be a parent, carer, grandparent, a sibling, or a friend.  

It might be someone in school like a teacher or someone else in your school community that you feel you can talk to.  

Talk to your friends 

You could talk to a friend about how you are feeling. You might be surprised to find out some of them feel the same way as you and you're not alone. 

Maybe you can support each other or find someone to talk to together in school. 

If do not feel like you can talk to someone in person, there are other ways to get help. 

Talk to someone in your school  

If your feelings of anxiety are about school, it’s good to think about sharing how you feel with your school.  

This might mean talking to a teacher you trust or getting an adult you trust to contact them for you. 

support • school • anxiety